There is a well-known Native American story which goes like this. Two wolves live inside you. One is hated and the other is love. You keep only one alive which means you starve the other. Which wolf do you feed?

The communal oxygen we give others keeps them pertinent, relevant and in a sense alive. However, when we stop supplying attention, they find their fix someplace else.
“Ignore them,” as my father says. Walk away. Put them in time out because bullies are in it for one reason only – themselves.
So, to be clear, what exactly is a bully? A bully accuses others of everything they are guilty of. A bully creates a false persona hidden behind an abundance of insecurity. A bully is self-centered and narcistic, controlling and aggressive.
Screen bullying is the most prevalent form. You can be anybody or nobody online. All you need is WIFI, a propensity to control and a desire to rage fear into others.
Read the full article here.

Banks Helfrich
Candidate for Florida House,
District 25
As a native Floridian, I love this state. As a resident of South Lake County, I love farming and teaching sustainability to this community. As a Candidate for State House, I love finding solutions to the issues of our time.